Owning a Franchise: An Overlooked Asset?
Buying a franchise is a great way to enhance your retirement fund, control your financial future, and provide a legacy for the next generation.
When you are a business owner, your thoughts are most likely consumed by the day-to-day operations of your company, which makes sense. However, if you want to shift the focus to a much bigger picture, you should include your long-range goals, up to and including your retirement plans and who will inherit your hard-earned legacy when the time comes.
You’ve worked tirelessly to build the business you have today. The sweat equity you have poured into it deserves a strong return on that demanding investment. You no doubt have dreams of passing down the fruits of those labors to the next generation in your family. Leaving such a legacy to your heirs may be one of the main reasons you continually work so hard. You simply want to pass the torch when the time is right and deliver a steadfast piece of your efforts to your intended beneficiaries.
To confidently ensure your financial future (and/or your kids’ anticipated inheritance!), owning a franchise presents an opportunity worthy of consideration. As a franchisee, you not only set yourself up for success, but you are also positioning the next generation for success as well, especially if you decide to transfer the franchise to them at some point in the future. Who knows? It could even extend for many generations to come. In purchasing a franchise, you are creating a family-owned business from the beginning. You may then desire to transfer this part of your overall portfolio to give your kids/grandkids more of a professional edge in life.
Additionally, if you are already a business/franchise owner and want to either transition to another type, or just want to add an additional revenue stream, owning a franchise such as Ultra Pool Care Squad could be the perfect fit to your business strategy.
If you are considering the purchase of a franchise, but haven’t yet pulled the trigger on that decision for one reason or another, let’s take a look at some of the compelling reasons to consider purchasing a franchise to enhance your retirement plans and contribute to your legacy.
Franchises help speed the path to success
As a turnkey business, a well-designed franchise model can help to alleviate some of the blood, sweat and tears parts of the start-up equation (but that’s not to say a “roll up your sleeves” mentality is not often required). More importantly, it allows for greater velocity when finding your lane on the path to success. Because the franchisor has done most of the research and legwork on his own, you stand as the beneficiary to those efforts in terms of what needs to be done to get a business up and running. With a franchise, you essentially just take over the wheel on an already-moving vehicle that is designed to travel a successful path.
Franchises provide continual support
Unlike starting your own business, when the only support you may have to rely on is yourself, purchasing a franchise provides the support of the franchisor for questions, consulting and more. That support is usually just a phone call away. Additionally, you will have access to other franchisees who will share with you their own successes and, yes, failures, as they have grown their own individual franchise business. Your network of support can be vast and, hopefully, readily transparent.
Franchises assist in marketing
If you know a little about marketing but don’t consider yourself a guru in this regard, the franchisor typically handles the marketing aspects of the company. The franchisor should provide various marketing materials and templates for you to use. Further, if you desire to expand your business portfolio, you can benefit from the systems the franchisor has already put into place that provide a guide for multi-franchise ownership.
Ultra Pool Care Squad™ — the ideal franchise to own
Ultra Pool Care Squad knows pools. This company stands as the industry experts in all things pool related. While it has become apparent to them people thoroughly enjoy having a swimming pool in which to spend time with family and friends, maintaining the pool (and perhaps doing the occasional repair) may not be high on their list of priorities.
As such, there is no question there exists a growing need for pool care experts to keep pools running efficiently and to maintain the vibrant health and appearance of the water. As mentioned, pool owners either (1) don’t want to nor have the time to devote to pool maintenance and (2) they would prefer a trustworthy, highly-trained and reliable pool care expert to come to their backyard on a regular basis to get the job done. The Ultra Pool Care Squad franchise was developed in response to this need.
Consider the Ultra Pool Care Squad franchise as an opportunity available to you today that can establish the tomorrow you want. Why? For starters, the pool care industry is a $6 billion dollar industry that is gaining impressive velocity year after year. A franchised pool care business such as Ultra Pool Care Squad is the perfect option if you have been thinking about starting your own franchise as a part of your overall revenue stream, or even just as an independent business of your own or for a family member. With the branding, marketing and business support already integrated into this viable franchise, you are off to a running start from the very first day. And, when the time comes to sell it, you have positioned yourself for an easy transfer of ownership.

From the purchase of the franchise to defining your exit strategy
“The day you open your business should be the same day you know how you’re going to exit your business,” indicates Robert Mitchell, franchise development manager for Ultra Pool Care Squad. “Some may call this creating an exit strategy or simply refer to it as legacy planning. One of the biggest advantages of franchising is benefiting from a higher sales price when you sell your business. Additionally, if you instead decide to hand off your franchised business to a child or a manager, you will set them up for success due to the franchise support system that is already in place to assist them in both maintaining previous sales volume and further growing their business.”
Mitchell emphasizes that when, not if, you sell your franchise, you will always be able to sell it for a higher price. Why? Because the next buyer will pay more for a franchised business because they get the added value of the franchisor’s experience and expertise to help successfully onboard the buyer and elevate them to the next level much more efficiently.
“Buyers love purchasing a franchise because they don’t have to ‘reinvent the wheel’ so to speak,” notes Mitchell. “That is why it is ideal to purchase a franchise as part of your legacy planning, as you will get a bigger sales price when you go to sell it.”
Do you want to prepare for a secure financial future by working a few extra years, or would you prefer to integrate a viable and steady stream of revenue that can potentially open the door to a more relaxed and enjoyable retirement while simultaneously creating an inheritance for your kids? Owning a franchise like Ultra Pool Care Squad could ultimately position your financial estate for a more promising future.